how to register

  1. Create account and verified your email address. To create account you can click here.
  2. After your email verified, you must waiting for activation account confirmation max 72 hour after email verified.
  3. We will inform you if your account is activated by email. please check your email inbox periodically.
  4. After your account activated, fill the registration form.
  5. Process your payment.
  6. We will send your registration ID by email.

Registration Fee

Registration Fee for Abroad Participant
Status Early Bird Late Bird
MD / Specialist 200 USD 250 USD
Student / Other Health Professional 150 USD 180 USD
Registration Fee for Domestic Participant
Status Early Bird Late Bird
Specialist 2.000.000 IDR 2.250.000 IDR
Medical Doctor 1.000.000 IDR 1.250.000 IDR
Student / Other Health Professional 800.000 IDR 1.000.000 IDR