Activity Schedule
- Deadline for filling out the scientific competition registration link and abstract submission: Thursday, July 31, 2025, at 24.00
- Abstract announcement received: Friday, August 8, 2025, 24:00 PM
- Deadline for submitting poster files and presentation slides for accepted abstracts: Friday, August 29, 2025, at 24:00
- 4.Attachment of posters by participants at the presentation location: Friday, September 12, 2025, 16.00 to finish 5. Poster presentation and oral presentation: Saturday, September 14, 2025
General Requirements for Scientific Abstracts
- The types of abstracts that can be submitted are Case report or Research (original research, systematic review, or meta-analysis).
- Participants of scientific abstracts must be registered as participants in symposiums and workshops.
- All abstracts must be written in Indonesian/English.
- Abstract titles are capitalized, maximum 25 words.
- Below the title are written the names of the authors, institutions, correspondence emails, and correspondence phone/cellphone numbers.
- The first writer is required to attend and present an abstract if accepted.
- The maximum limit of abstract is 300 words (excluding title, author, keywords).
- For a case report, the abstract should consist of background, case, discussion, and conclusion.
- For research, the abstract should consist of background, objectives, methods, results, and conclusions.
- For keywords, a minimum of 3 words, a maximum of 5 words.
- The abstract was made in the format of 1 line space, Times New Roman letters, letter size 12, A4 paper size with a margin of 2 cm on all four sides.
- Abstract files in pdf format are uploaded to the
- Proof of transfer of registration for the symposium/workshop is sent along with the scientific abstract on the registration link.
- The determination of the participants who pass and the type of presentation (oral or poster) will be decided by the assessment team.
Special Provisions for Poster Presentation
- The poster presentation is presented in print out form in Indonesian/English which contains the names of the participants, the origin of the University/Institution along with supporting texts, graphs, and tables.
- Make sure that certain sections (such as background, methods, results, and conclusions) are easy to find inside the poster.
- For the images displayed, please use the .jpeg or .png file format, please be aware of the copyright issues of the photos used.
- Participants can install physical posters on Friday, September 12, 2025, at the symposium location.
- The poster will be displayed on Saturday, September 13, 2025, at 07.00-16.00 WIB based on the sequence number that has been determined by the committee.
- The presenters are expected to stand next to the poster board according to the assessment schedule.
- Include the abstract number in the right corner of the poster, the abstract number will be distributed to participants when the abstract acceptance announcement is made.
- The poster text and presentation are conducted in Indonesian.
Poster writing format
- Poster size 120 x 90 cm (portrait).
- Written in Indonesian.
- Provide a concise, clear, and thorough review of the study material.
- The poster components consist of:
- Poster Title
- Author's Name, Institution Origin
- Introduction, writing/research background
- Objectives, cases/methods/ways of working
- Results of research/discussion, conclusions, and references/references
Special Provisions for Oral Presentations
- Participants are expected to attend offline at the presentation location on Saturday, September 14, 2025
- Presenters are expected to attend 30 minutes before the schedule.
- Each presenter will be given 10 minutes for a live presentation and 5 minutes for a question-and-answer session at the end of the session.
- After 8 minutes of presentation, the presenter will be reminded of the remaining 2 minutes. The MC has the right to ask the presenter to stop the presentation after 10 minutes.
- Presentation materials are sent to [email protected]
- Presentation slides are sent in the form of .pptx format with a template that will be provided by the committee
- Email subject writing format and file name: Abstract - [First author's name] – [Origin of agency] – [Abstract type] – [Short title]
Power Point Slide Requirements
- Presentation Title It is recommended to keep the poster title the same as the abstract that has been submitted. Minor modifications that do not change the abstract idea are allowed.
- Size and format
- Presentations must be submitted in power point format in the form of Landscape (16:9) - The layout of the slide page has a width of 33.87 cm and a height of 19.05 cm - The number of slides is not more than 5 slides (excluding the title page).
- For the displayed image, use the .jpeg or .png file format. Please note and copyright issues of the photos used.
- The first slide of the presentation is created with a font size of 18 Bold and displays the following information: Paper Title, Author(s) Name(s) and Affiliation (if applicable).
- Font Format
- Please use uppercase and lowercase letters for general content, as all uppercase text that uses capital letters will be difficult to read.
- The PowerPoint text and presentation are conducted in Indonesian.