Friday, 12th September 2025

Time Agenda
19.00 – 19.30 Registration
19.30 – 21.00 Congress of Indonesia Society of Psychosomatic and Palliative Medicine

Saturday, 13th September 2025

Time Agenda
07.00 – 07.30 Registration
07.30 – 08.20 Opening Ceremony (MC) Welcome Speech
  1. Chairman of Indonesian Psychosomatic and Palliative Medicine (Dr. dr Rudi Putranto SpPD, K-PPM)
  2. Chairman of Asian of Psychosomatic Medicine (Prof. Chiharu KUBO (Fukuoka, Japan)
  3. Indonesian Minister of Health
08.20 – 09.00 (main room) Plenary Lecture I
  1. Prof. Nobuyuki SUDO (Fukuoka, Japan)
  2. Prof. Amarendra Narayan SINGH (Kingston, Canada)
  3. Prof LKHAGVASUREN Tserenkhuu (Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia)
09.00 – 10.00 (main room) Plenary Lecture II
  1. Prof. Hiroshi ISHIZU (Okinawa, Japan)
  2. Prof YUAN Yonggui (Nanjing, China)
  3. Prof. Shin FUKUDO (Sendai, Japan)
10.00 – 10.15 (main room) Coffee break and Exhibition
10.15 – 11.00

Symposium 1 :
Psychosomatic Approach in Clinical Practice

  1. Ethis and medicolegal in psychosomatic and palliative practice
  2. Inter Relation Psychosomatic and Palliative in New Era Transformation
  3. New way application antidepressant for chronic disease
Oral Presentation 1 Poster Session 1
11.00 - 12.00

Symposium 2 :
Psychosomatic Approach in Clinical Practice

  1. The wise way to choose antidiabetics in dynamic situation for diabetic patients.
  2. Managing sleep disorders in diabetic patient
  3. Yoga Therapy
Oral Presentation 2 Poster Session 2
12.00 – 13.00 Prayer and Lunch break
13.00 – 15.00

Workshop 1 :
Management of Insomnia

  1. Insomnia for psychosomatics disorders
  2. Practical way in application benzodiazepines
  3. Yoga Therapy

Workshop 2 :
Communication in Psychosomatic and Palliative Care

  1. How to arrange and setting excellance communication in psychosomatic patient
  2. 2.Application and how to choose the right of communication mnemonic for our patient.
  3. Yoga Therapy
15.00 – 15.15 Coffee Break
18.00 – 19.00 Congress of Asian College of Psychosomatic Medicine
19.00 - 21.00 Gala Dinner with Faculty

Sunday, 14th September 2025

Time Agenda
07.30 - 08.00 Registration
08.00 - 08.55

Symposium 3 :
Mind and Rheumatology

  1. Fibromyalgia
  2. Role uricosuric for lowering inflammation in Hayperuric and Gout patient.
  3. Implementation of antidepressant in managing psychosomatics disorders comorbidity with rheumatology
"Research forum in psychosomatic and palliative care"
  1. How to conduct a good Quantitave research study in Psychosomatic reseach
  2. How to write a research grant: Step by step guide
  3. How to conduct qualitative research in Palliative Care
Poster Session 3
08.55 - 09.50

Symposium 4 :
Mind and Gastro Entero

  1. Creating persistant immunity with vaccination in reducing Psychosomatic disorders
  2. Application synbiotics to reducing inflammation and higher cell regeneration
  3. Manage positive and persistant brain in gastroenterology disorders
Oral Presentation 3 Poster Session 4
09.50 – 10.00 Coffee Break
10.00 - 10.50

Symposium 5 :
Mind and Nephrology

  1. Uncover brain effect kidney, and vice versa
  2. Preventing decrease renal function in chronic kidney disease advanced stages
  3. Nonpharmacological therapy in maintaining chronic kidney disease comorbidtiy with psychosomatics disorders.
Oral Presentation 3 Poster Session 4
10.50 – 12.10

Symposium 6 :
Psychosomatic and palliative

  1. Management compicated urinary tract infection in palliative patient
  2. When and how palliative treatment needs to introduce in lung cancer patient
  3. Application selective serotonin in advanced cancer patient
Oral Presentation 5 Poster Session 6
12.10 – 13.10 Prayer and Lunch break
13.15 – 15.10

Workshop 3 :
Holistic and Regeneratif therapy in Palliative

  1. Management compicated urinary tract infection in palliative patient
  2. When and how palliative treatment needs to introduce in lung cancer patient
  3. Application selective serotonin in advanced cancer patient

Workshop 4 :
Heart Rate Variabilty Test and Hypnotherapy

  1. Management compicated urinary tract infection in palliative patient
  2. When and how palliative treatment needs to introduce in lung cancer patient
  3. Application selective serotonin in advanced cancer patient
15.10 – 15.30 Closing ceremony
15.30 – 15.45 Coffee break